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Ontario Association for Mathematics Education
Ontario Association for Mathematics Education

Chapter Locator - Y4MA

York to the Fourth Mathematics Association

If you live or work in a section coloured in green on the map below, then this is the local chapter of the OAME in your area. See the table below the map for more details about this chapter. Click on the white portions of the map to visit neighbouring chapters.

NOTE: You are welcome to join any chapter of the OAME. The chapter identifiedhere is simply the one geographically closest to where you "clicked" on the map. Regardless of the chapter to which you belong, you may take part in ANY chapter's eventat the reduced rate for OAME members.

Chapter Map of Area served by local chapter events
Chapter Logo
Y4MA - York to the Fourth Mathematics Association

Coming Events!

Stay tuned...

Past Events

OAME 2008 Annual Conference: The Path is made by Walking
May 08, 2008 (12:00 am) to May 10, 2008 (12:00 am)
hosted by Y4MA, to be held at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, Richmond Hill(More details...)
Intermediate Math Olympics - 2015
Apr 16, 2015 (3:45 pm to 8:00 pm)
Richmond Hill HS - The Intermediate Math Olympics is a competition for students in grade 7 and 8. It offers the chance to work on rich mathematics problems in groups, pairs or individually.(More details...)
Intermediate Math Olympics - 2016
Apr 19, 2016 (3:45 pm to 8:00 pm)
Middlefield Collegiate Institute - The Intermediate Math Olympics is a competition for students in grade 7 and 8. It offers the chance to work on rich mathematics problems in groups, pairs or individually.(More details...)
Math and a Meal - An Evening of Coding, with Elizabeth Lion
May 24, 2016 (4:30 pm to 8:00 pm)
Come spend some time with Elisabeth and learn about some easy ways to get started with coding. (More details...)

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