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Ontario Association for Mathematics Education
Ontario Association for Mathematics Education


The OAME is always looking for new members and volunteers. Here are some suggestions on how you can get involved:

  • Interesting in helping out at the Annual Provincial Math conference?
    This yearly event, held in May of each year, is a huge undertaking, and local organizing committees ALWAYS need more hands on deck and volunteers to make it run smoothly. Check out the OAME 2019 official website for information on the conference, and contact information to volunteer.
  • Check out your local chapter!
    The OAME is divided into 15 chapters, 14 based on areas of the province, the 15th devoted to the Independent Schools of Ontario. EVERY Chapter is happy to have new members join anytime throughout the year. Most chapters have regular meetings, and often hold events / mini-conferences in the spring and/or fall. Check out the OAME Chapter Locator to find the chapter nearest you!
  • Consider contributing to the OAME Gazette.
    If you are already an OAME Member (and if you're not - why not JOIN NOW!), then you receive the Gazette every three months. Perhaps you have a great idea for an article, something you've done in your classroom that worked well, or a project you've collaborated on with your colleagues - anything that would be of interest to others. Your experiences could be beneficial to new teachers, or anyone looking for new ideas. Contact the Gazette editor and pitch your idea!