President's Message - June 2015
What A Year!
I have also been reflecting on the year that has passed in my classroom and the goals I set for my own professional development, as well as those for my department. I am very fortunate to work with a group of teachers at Fletcher's Meadow Secondary School in Brampton, who are continually challenging themselves to examine their practice. It is a challenge at times to try to harness so much talent in a single group, but I always find that I am along for a fun and enriching ride.
As I reflect back on my term as President and consider what has happened, I am reminded of what Cathy Hall mentioned in her parting message - the months have indeed passed all too quickly. The Leadership Conference was a highlight for me. Registration climbed to the point where we had to shut it down and create a wait list. This was no doubt due to the exceptional slate of speakers (Amy Lin, Jo Boaler, Dr. Cathy Bruce, and Shelley Yearley), who provided a memorable learning experience for all attendees. I want to thank them again for making it a remarkable Leadership Conference. Don't miss out on next year's Leadership Conference taking place November 5 to 7.
One of my goals upon starting my term was to look at other ways that OAME can serve its membership. As cochair of OAME 2014, I was pleased to support a new initiative which we hope will become an annual tradition - the OAME eConference.. The eConference has created new opportunities for mathematics educators in this province and beyond - from the participation of Nova Scotia educators, to receiving professional development and sharing in the learning. Webinars were also provided through the leadership of President-Elect Tim Sibbald. As well, OAME has reached out into the world of social media. The OAME Twitter feed (@oamecounts) has over 800 followers and is a great way to connect with the organization and other educators.
The provincial conference that took place May 7 - 9 at Humber College was, as always, a highlight for OAME. This year, there was the added significance in that the OAME board was in charge of planning and running the conference. Usually, one of the 15 OAME chapters hosts the conference. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the organizers who volunteered their time to make the conference such a resounding success. For the second year in a row, registration had to be closed early. This speaks to the strength of the program that is assembled annually for this conference, and how well it runs, given the large attendance numbers and everything that happens over a jam-packed three days. Special thanks go to our conference chair, Wayne Erdman, for his dedication and composure in guiding all aspects of the conference. Its success is in large part due to his efforts. I hope that all of you have already marked May 5 - 7, 2016 on your calendars so you can Leap into Math!" at next year's conference in Barrie, hosted by MAC2.
Hopefully many of you have also taken advantage of the great professional-development opportunities offered by your local chapter. These provide a way for many educators to network and share their learning. Perhaps you have even reached out to your local chapter to inquire about getting involved in its work. Chapters, and by default OAME, exist because of the dedication of volunteers who make each of the chapters a vital link for teachers to share their passion for teaching mathematics. If you haven' Check the OAME website for the e-mail addresses of chapter representatives. In closing, I would like to offer a special thank you to those who have made my term and OAME run smoothly this year:
*Executive Directors - Fred and Lynda Ferneyhough, the brains and brawn behind the operation. For those of you who know them, you know who is the brains and the brawn. It is impossible to convey how much easier they made my job. Thank you!
*The members of the OAME Executive - Past President Sonia Ellison, President-Elect Tim Sibbald, Vice-Presidents Bill Otto and Judy Mendaglio. With so much brain power around one table, it was a piece of cake making it through this term. The wise counsel you provided to me and OAME ensured that the best interests of the organization and its members were front and centre at all times. Thank you for the light-hearted moments as well, which helped as we navigated some challenging times. See you in the bowling lanes.
*The members of the OAME Board - OAME directors and chapter reps. Thank you on behalf of all OAME members for giving of your time and your expertise on the various OAME committees and especially for pulling double duty with planning the provincial conference.
*OAME webmaster extraordinaire and Barbu wizard Greg Clarke. Thank you for your constant support and incredible good nature, despite the 17 MCIS registrations I created for myself. OAME's web presence and digital archive are an exceptional resource, and it is thanks to your work and dedication to the organization.
*The Executive and/or Council of our 15 regional chapters - CHAMP, COMA, GOLDEN, GVMA, ISOMA, MAC2, NOMA, NWOAME, PRMA, QSLMA, SAME, SWOAME, TEAMS, WOMA, Y4MA. The reorganization of the OAME board two years ago reflected a belief that the lifeblood of OAME is in its chapters. Your time and effort in planning events and working for chapter members makes the entire organization vibrant and relevant.
*Editor of the Gazette - Dan Jarvis. Thank you and your team of contributors, including Abacus Editors, Kathy Kubota-Zarivnij and Mary Lou Kestell, for continuing the tradition of producing a respected resource for all math educators. Despite my best efforts to derail the process with the lateness of my submissions, Dan guided each issue to its successful and rewarding conclusion.
The many other hands that chipped in when we needed a representative to attend forums, workshops, and other initiatives. We are fortunate to have so many distinguished educators to support our work and partnerships.
All of our OAME members - Thank you for making OAME such a respected and relevant professional organization. Please continue to be involved and to share your love of teaching math. It has been an honour serving you as President.
I take my leave now and reflect on a wonderful year. I am humbled by the experience and the honour of serving as President, especially when I consider who served before me. I wish all of you the best for a restful summer and look forward to intersecting paths in the future.
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Running Into a Pole
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