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Ontario Association for Mathematics Education
Ontario Association for Mathematics Education

President's Message - June 2023

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” ~ Bill Gates

As another school year draws to a close, it is worthwhile spending some time reflecting on the year and the wonderful people who volunteer their time to support others. As educators, many of us willingly give our time to students by offering extra help during non-instructional hours and running or supporting co-curricular activities. It can be a challenge when one has a young child at home, but some still manage to find a little time to give, even then. I was recently reminded of the importance of this donated time when a former student came to visit and expressed that she did not remember much about her elementary school years, but she did remember the field trips, the sports teams, the choir, the band, and a variety of other clubs that she engaged with during her time at the school. She built strong friendships through those extra activities that have lasted through her post-secondary education. Perhaps some of the friendships would have been well-established within the classroom, but she insists participating in the wide variety of activities helped her discover who she really is—and those activities were made available by the staff. The leadership demonstrated by teachers instilled in her a belief in her own leadership ability.

As President, I realize that the message goes well beyond the words of one student or the teachers of one school. Volunteers are incredibly important within our schools, just as they are in all walks of life. They are also integral to our organization. In fact, OAME/AOEM could not exist without the many volunteers who give freely of their time.

Our annual conference relies on chapters stepping up to agree to host the conference. Within the host chapter (or chapters), individual members volunteer to chair or be a member of a sub-committee. Hosting an annual conference is not a simple task and requires three years of planning. Yet members support their chapter along the way so that math educators in the province have this annual opportunity for professional learning. This year is no exception. After three years of only being able to offer virtual professional development, the OAME/AOEM Annual Conference was held face-to-face in Toronto in April, co-hosted by two chapters: TEAMS (Toronto Educators Association for MathematicS) and NOMA (Northern Ontario Mathematics Association). Despite the many challenges throughout their planning, the organizing committee worked diligently to overcome them, and ran an excellent conference. Along with the Board of Directors, I would like to thank every member of the organizing committee for all of their time and energy, without which the conference would not have been such a success.

Within chapters, there are smaller events offered for teachers. These include mini-conferences, seminars, book clubs, and socials. Members of the chapters spend their time organizing and hosting these events in order to support mathematics educators in their region. Also within chapters are the individual members who hold a position on their executive. Positions such as the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Chapter Representative are filled by volunteers who help their chapter run smoothly. It is these volunteers who help make OAME/AOEM a strong organization. Thank you to everyone who volunteers in their chapter.

Last, but certainly not least, I need to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the members of OAME/AOEM’s Board of Directors. Through times of uncertainty, the Board steered the organization, ensuring that it remained viable, energized, and relevant. This year, we were able to meet in person twice and reconnect in a way that hasn’t been possible for the last few years. It was a reminder of the incredible individuals who volunteer their time and energy to support OAME/AOEM, and they surely are representative of all the good things math teachers are doing across the province. Thank you for all you do.

Sincere gratitude needs to be expressed to our Past President, Judy Mendaglio, whose term will be completed at the end of August. As President, she led the organization through the pandemic as well as through joint projects of OAME/AOEM and AFEMO, strengthening the relationship between our two organizations. She has served her term with grace, dedication, and integrity. Thank you for your mentorship and your commitment to OAME/AOEM.

Our annual elections occurred in March, and it was a bit surprising that some vacant positions did not attract individuals to run for them. As an extracurricular with good professional learning, particularly in leadership, many worthy candidates may have overlooked the opportunity that the Board of Directors represents. It has occurred to me that perhaps there are some who are unsure about stepping into a leadership role, where they know there is a professional learning curve. To be honest, I felt exactly like that, never really thinking of being on the Board of Directors when I was asked to become a Chapter Representative in 2003. I certainly never envisioned myself as one day running for President. I didn’t feel like I had the skills necessary to be a leader. But as intimidated as I was at first, meeting incredible math educators, most of whom I had only heard speak at conferences, I grew to realize that we all had something in common—our love of math and our joy in teaching. Their experiences helped me realize that being a leader is not just about always knowing what to do or what to say. It is about listening, caring, and contributing, even if it isn’t always immediately clear which path to take. It is about lifting others up when they are down, and about recognizing the abilities of others and encouraging them to share with others. It is about realizing that by engaging in professional learning while working together as a team, leadership skills are developed, practised, and mentored.

Volunteering first with my own chapter, then on the Board of Directors and during conference organizing, helped the organization, but also opened the door to professional learning that helps develop leadership skills. I was able to further develop my own leadership skills, far more than I could in my job. Building those skills made me a better teacher, a better role model at home, and the experiences helped me understand my own potential. Members of the Board of Directors have the opportunity to learn more about what it is like to teach in other areas in the province, and so much more by being able to connect with others. Through my own learning, I have become a leader who wishes to encourage others, empower others, and help them recognize their own potential. It is my sincere hope that you will engage with your chapter and talk to others about stepping up when next January brings the call for nominations leading into the OAME/AOEM election.

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Recycling Old Resources & Making Them New Again

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Mathematics The Game Changer

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